We are a loving family of Christian believers in Oregon and Washington. Like Christ, we strive to love, lift and serve those around us. Learn more about us below.

Find Our Church Community Near You
Celebrate the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ weekly by coming to church with us. Whether you are single, married, young or old, there is a place for you in Jesus Christ's restored church. We would love to help you find your nearest congregation and meet you at the door on Sunday.
Join Us in Becoming More Like
Jesus Christ
In our church, we believe in becoming more like Jesus Christ, one step at a time. While we all fall short of the glory of God, through Jesus Christ we can find forgiveness and help as we press forward in faith.
Whether you want to strengthen your existing faith or discover it anew, you are welcome here! We know that faith can grow, no matter how big or small, by attending church, praying, and studying the scriptures.
We would love to help you on this journey! Explore these pages to see how each of these practices can support you.