Baptism: Our First Covenant with God
Want to be Baptized?
Embrace the path Jesus Christ illuminated by choosing baptism! Discover the profound significance of this Gospel cornerstone by connecting with our dedicated volunteers today.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is our way of following the example set by Jesus Christ, where we are immersed in water for the remission of our sins. This sacred covenant helps guide us back into God's presence.
Jesus Christ taught that "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God"
(John 3:5 KJV).
Jesus Christ was baptized to fulfill all righteousness and show us the way back to our heavenly home, setting a divine example for us to follow.

Is Baptism Essential?
Baptism is essential for us to return to heaven. Baptism is an act of repentance and shows God that we are willing to make a promise, or covenant, with Him. God will bless us with many wonderful gifts as long as we keep our promise. We are not alone, though; we receive the Holy Spirit after baptism.
The Holy Ghost will comfort, guide, and help us as we try to become more like Jesus Christ. All fall short of the glory of God, but with the Holy Ghost, we can be led and change into the person our Heavenly Father wants us to be.
How can I be Baptized?
Baptism is a profound commitment, marking a pivotal step in our spiritual journey. We can be baptized when we have faith in Jesus Christ and have gone through the joyful process of repentance. Repentance involves transforming ourselves to be more like Christ, which brings immense joy and fulfillment.
As we strive to embrace the joy of Christ in our lives, we enter into a sacred covenant with God. Our dedicated volunteers are here to help you prepare for this important step, guiding you through what it means and how it will impact your life. When you are ready, they will organize your baptismal service, ensuring it is a powerful and memorable experience.

What is the Baptismal Covenant?
A covenant is a two-way promise with God. He makes promises to us, and in turn, we make promises to Him. The baptismal covenant, made as we are baptized, includes these commitments:
Be willing to take upon the name of Jesus Christ
Keep the commandments of God
Serve God and others
Endure to the end
In return, God promises us eternal life in His presence. His boundless love and desire for our well-being led Him to send Jesus Christ, who shows us the way back to our Heavenly Father. If you would like to learn more about what these promises mean for you, our volunteers are here to help.
What is our Church like?
Our church is full of amazing members! We also have several churches around the country. No matter where you are, we would love to help you find your closest congregation.
Our service times depend on the location, but we always have our services on Sunday. Check out more about what church is like below!